The old Cliff Baths, Enniscrone, Co Sligo, Ireland

Built in 1850 by the Orme family

Underexposed – an Irish Photoblog
The old Cliff Baths, Enniscrone, Co Sligo, Ireland
Built in 1850 by the Orme family
Carrownacaw Standing Stone aka the Long Stone, Co Down, Northern Ireland
It leans slightly and is tied to a tree with steel wire.
The standing stone is 3m tall of Silurian rock
The ‘mortuary house’ at Saul, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
A belief it was a 12th century shrine, for relics of St Patrick, St Brigid and St Columba seems unlikely as…
A Queen’s University archaeological investigation dates it as more likely late 16th century
Loughmoney Dolmen, Co Down, Northern Ireland
A ring of stones encircle Loughmoney Portal Tomb