Eightercua Stone Row

Eightercua Stone Row

Eightercua Stone Row, Co Kerry, Ireland

Eightercua Stone Row
The alignment is on a low ridge visible from the road. By chance I met the friendly landowner who gave me access to the stones

Eightercua Stone Row

Lugnagappul Ogham Stones

Lugnagappul Ogham Stones

Legend has it that there was a battle at a place known as Pairc na Fola (Park of Blood). There at a low cairn called Cnoc na Fola (Hill of Blood) the slain were buried. At the edge of the cairn is a three stone row containing two ogham stones.

Lugnagappul Ogham Stones

Lugnagappul Ogham Stones, Cnoc na Fola (Hill of Blood), Co Kerry, Ireland

The old church of Scrine (Screen)

The Fiddle Stone
The Fiddle Stone, Ballinascreen Old Church

The old church and graveyard at Ballinascreen
The old church and graveyard at Ballinascreen (Baile na Scrine), Moneyconey, Co Derry, Northern Ireland

Open vault in the graveyard
Open vault in the graveyard at Ballinascreen

Holed stone
The broken holed stone in the church with a fern growing through it

Fore monastic settlement revisited

Fore High Cross
High Cross at Fore

Fore Cross Slab
Cross Slab, St Finchin’s Church

Lintelled doorway and font at St Finchin’s Church
Lintelled doorway and font at St Finchin’s Church, Fore monastic site

Benadictine Priory
Benadictine Priory ruin

Benadictine Priory, Fore monastic settlement
Fore monastic settlement, Co Westmeath, Ireland