St Brigid’s Well and Faughart old graveyard

St Brigid's Well
St. Brigid’s Well, Faughart, Co Louth, Ireland

St. Brigid's Well
St. Brigid’s Well

Rag Tree at St Brigid's Well
Rag Tree at St Brigid’s Well

St. Brigid's Well
By the shrine

Church Ruin
The ruins of a medieval church

Grave of Edward Bruce
The grave of Edward Bruce, King of Ireland who was defeated and killed in the battle of Faughart 14th October 1318. (brother of Robert Bruce King of Scotland)

Headstones at St Brigid's Well
Some of the interesting headstones

Headstones at St Brigid's Well

Headstones at St Brigid's Well

St Brigid’s Shrine

Steps to St Brigid's Shrine
Steps to St Brigid’s Shrine, Faughart, Co Louth, Ireland

St Brigid's Shrine
1st February St Brigid’s feast day is also Imbolc a pagan festival marking the beginning of spring associated with the Irish Goddess Brigid. Some believe the date of Imbolc was more flexible and associated with the onset of the lambing season.

The Grotto
The Grotto

Some of the Stations positioned along St Brigid’s stream
Station 6 Cloch na Crúibe - The hoof stone
Station 6 Cloch na Crúibe – The hoof stone

Station 7 Cloch na Glúine - The knee stone
Station 7 Cloch na Glúine – The knee stone

Station 8 Cloch an Choim - The waist stone
Station 8 Cloch an Choim – The waist stone